
2025 Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher program flier

Seeking a few good educators to be LIS Mentor Teachers

We are looking for teams of two K-12 teachers to join the Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher program! Do you teach about Long Island Sound, watersheds, and/or the ocean in your classroom? Would you like to help others do the same? We’d love to have you as part of our team!

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Cover of "The State and Economic Contribution of Connecticut's Aquaculture Sector"

Report explores state and economic contribution of CT aquaculture

“The State and Economic Contribution of Connecticut’s Aquaculture Sector,” has been published by CT Sea Grant. The document details the current status and trends from 2016 to 2013 in shellfish, finfish and seaweed aquaculture as well as hydroponic, aquaponic and marine ornamental production.

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UConn researcher Beth Lawrence, left, collects data in Great Meadows Marsh in Stratford, CT, for an earlier project.

Major research investment focuses on key aspects of LIS ecosystem

In the largest Long Island Sound research award in the history of the collaboration between CTSG, NYSG and the Long Island Sound Study, 13 projects have been selected that will improve understanding of factors impacting several fish species, shellfish, water quality and restoration of salt marshes.

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