Tessa Getchis, right, CT Sea Grant aquaculture extension specialist, and Mike Gilman, CT Sea Grant aquaculture extension staff member, talk to visitors about shellfish in local waters during the Earth Day event on April 22 at UConn Avery Point.
A UConn student holds Mr. Bob, a buff laced Polish hen, that was part of an exhibit about how raising chickens benefits the environment.
Kristin Distante, left, tells members of the public about the importance of pollinators in our local environment.
Andrea Wing and her husband Tom displayed a bee hive and information about beekeeping at the event.
A UConn student pets one of two oxen brought by Tom and Nancy Kalal from their East Lyme farm to the Earth Day event. The oxen are used on fields at the farm.
The Avery Point Thrift Club was one of many groups with environmentally themed displays at the Earth Day event.
CT state Rep. Aundre Bumgardner, the keynote speaker at the event, talked about his sponsorship of House Bill 5004, “An Act Concerning the Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures,” during the event. Behind him is Kelly Sauter, president of the Avery Point EcoHuskies Club.
UConn students learn about local birds and mammals at the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center table at the event.