Long Island Sound Study unveils LIS Resilience Resource Hub website

Screenshot from Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub websiteIn partnership with Connecticut Sea Grant and New York Sea Grant, the Long Island Sound Study is excited to announce the official launch of the Long Island Sound (LIS) Resilience Resource Hub website. Designed to be user-friendly and informative, this platform aims to empower coastal communities in New York and Connecticut to enhance their resilience against environmental challenges.
The LIS Resilience Resource Hub serves as a comprehensive online resource center, offering a wealth of tools, information, guidance, and inspiration to support the sustainability and resilience of Long Island Sound communities. Developed in response to stakeholder needs, this hub acts as a one-stop-shop for resources related to climate resilience planning and project implementation.
Key features of the website include curated resources organized by location, topic, and project planning phase. Additionally, users can access an up-to-date funding database to explore resilience-related funding opportunities to support their projects and initiatives. The Resilience Planning Guide provides invaluable insights, navigating users through eight key criteria to guide sustainable and resilient project development.
Furthermore, the website offers a platform to stay informed about upcoming workshops and trainings focused on building community resilience. Users can also access recordings and materials from past events to further enrich their knowledge and skills in resilience planning and implementation.
To provide real-world inspiration, the website hosts an interactive case studies map showcasing recent resilience initiatives, allowing users to explore and learn from successful projects in the Long Island Sound region.
Visit lisresilience.org today to explore the wealth of resources available and start strengthening your community’s resilience!