- Funding
- Funded Research
- Opportunities
- Policies for Proposals
- Resources & Forms
- CTSG Fellowship Report 2020
- Integrating Education/Outreach in Your Proposal
- Progress/Final Report Form
- Progress/Final Report Form (Arts Grant)
- Policy Guidelines for No-Cost Extension Requests
- 90-2 form
- 90-4 form
- Budget Justification Guidance
- Sample Budget Justification
- Full Proposal Data Management Plan Form
- DMP Completion Form
- Connecticut Sea Grant logo
- New researcher orientation meeting
Research Proposal and Report Sharing Policy
It is the policy of CTSG that when a request is made for a copy of a funded proposal, we ask the requester to contact the PI directly with his or her request. However, it is expected that if faced with a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), CTSG may have to provide a copy of the proposal. Progress reports of funded research projects are reviewed to assure adequate progress towards the stated goals, and are not made public. However, final reports that summarize the findings of a research project will be made public.
Funded Research: Data Sharing Policy
New NOAA regulations require that data and information collected and/or created under NOAA grants and cooperative agreements must be made visible, accessible, and independently understandable to general users, free of charge or at minimal cost, in a timely manner (typically no later than two years after the data are collected or created), except where limited by law, regulation, policy or by security requirements. The new requirement has two basic parts: (1) environmental and socio-economic data generated by a grant project must be made available after a reasonable period of exclusive use, and (2) the grant application must describe the plan to make the data available. Proposals considered for funding by CTSG need to satisfy those data sharing requirements.
CTSG No-Cost Extension Policy
No-cost extensions (NCE) may be requested by PIs who have received any CTSG-administered funding (i.e., CTSG / Northeast SG Consortium research grants, development awards, or EPA LISS research grants, etc.). The NCE must be sought at least two months prior to the grant end date and the request sent to Dr. Syma Ebbin, CTSG Research Coordinator, following the CTSG_NCE Request Guidelines, located under the tab “Resources and Forms.” A progress report must be submitted with the NCE request. After reviewing the request, CTSG may grant PIs with one no-cost extension, extending the grant time frame by a maximum of one additional year. More than one NCE request will generally not be considered. PIs shall submit a final completion report within 60 days of the NCE end date. Decisions on NCE requests will be made as soon as possible (usually within several weeks). Requests that are incomplete, or that require further clarification or justification, will require additional time.
Eligibility for CTSG Program Development Funding
Requests for support through CTSG Program Development awards will be considered on a case-by-case basis as long as funds are available. Requests may be submitted by individuals affiliated with any Connecticut-based formal or informal academic or educational institutions, research laboratories, extension/outreach facilities, state or local agencies, or for-profit institutions or companies. Please note that any data, information, and/or technologies or other outputs resulting from such an award may not be considered proprietary. CTSG requires active sharing, extension and educational efforts and outputs in conjunction with the award of program development funding and all results are subject to NOAA data sharing policies and must be made freely available to the public.
Tax Implications of Sea Grant Awards
The Sea Grant Undergraduate Research Fellowship is considered a fellowship for income tax purposes. The recipients of this award may have an obligation to self-report the fellowship on your income tax return. Consistent with IRS guidelines, the University does not withhold income taxes from the award, or report the fellowship award to the IRS, except in limited circumstances involving nonresident aliens.
The Sea Grant Coastal and Marine Graduate Economics Fellowship is considered a fellowship for income tax purposes. The recipients of this award may have an obligation to self-report the fellowship on your income tax return. Consistent with IRS guidelines, the University does not withhold income taxes from the award, or report the fellowship award to the IRS, except in limited circumstances involving nonresident aliens.
The Sea Grant Arts Support Award is considered a fellowship for income tax purposes. The recipients of this award may have an obligation to self-report the fellowship on your income tax return. Consistent with IRS guidelines, the University does not withhold income taxes from the award, or report the fellowship award to the IRS, except in limited circumstances involving nonresident aliens.
Sea Grant Development Awards may be considered a fellowship for income tax purposes. The recipients of this award may have an obligation to self-report the fellowship on your income tax return. Consistent with IRS guidelines, the University does not withhold income taxes from the award, or report the fellowship award to the IRS, except in limited circumstances involving nonresident aliens.
Connecticut Sea Grant and NOAA logos
Two versions of the horizontal logo, which is preferred for print products, can be found here and here.
Two versions of the square logo, which is intended for digital platforms, can be found here and here.
A jpeg version of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo can be found here.
A png version of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo can be found here.