Applications due by Jan. 27, 2023
NOAA is recruiting candidates for the 2023 Coastal Management Fellowship Program. This program’s mission is to provide on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for postgraduate students and to provide project assistance to state coastal zone management agencies. The five fellowship positions start in August 2023 and are available with the coastal programs in Connecticut, Maine, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Washington, and with the Coastal States Organization. Eligibility requirements, descriptions of the projects, and guidance on how to apply can be found on our website and in the attached information.
For the 2023 fellowship, applicants must be U.S. citizens who have completed or will complete a master’s or other advanced degree at an accredited U.S. university between August 1, 2021, and July 31, 2023. A broad range of degrees are applicable to the fellowship because the projects are varied among the host organizations. This two-year opportunity offers a competitive salary, medical benefits, and travel and relocation expense reimbursement.
Learn more about the program on this fact sheet.
Application packages must be submitted to the Sea Grant office in the state where you received your degree by Friday, January 27, 2023.