CTSG research coordinator among Sea Grant award recipients

Syma Ebbin

CT Sea Grant Research Coordinator Syma Ebbin was among a team from Northeast Sea Grant programs chosen for a 2023-2024 Northeast Superior Programming Award. Theirs was among seven team projects chosen for the awards.

Ebbin was part of the Northeast Sea Grant Consortium (NESGC) Offshore Wind Energy (OWE) Team that was recognized for quickly, ably, and collaboratively responding to the increasingly urgent needs of OWE arenas in each of their respective states, according to the award description.

“By working together to leverage their shared technical expertise, science and data resources, and outreach and communication tools and products, this team has significantly built the capacities of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island to respond to public, private sector, and community needs and concerns as the region prepares for the implementation of hundreds of OWE turbines and infrastructure, within the northeast by 2030,” the description said.

Congratulations to Syma and the rest of the team!

Northeast Superior Outreach Programming Award certificate