Meadows in Stratford in the summer of 2024. Judy Benson / CT Sea Grant
Connecticut Sea Grant is a federal-state partnership, housed at the University of Connecticut, which seeks to foster the sustainable use and conservation of coastal and marine resources. CTSG accomplishes this mission through a three-pronged approach of research, outreach and education. CTSG provides a diversity of funding opportunities for researchers, including omnibus funding awards offered on a two-year basis, smaller development or seed awards, strategic initiative grants and both graduate and undergraduate student fellowships.
CTSG funds both natural and social science research, and we would like to expand our portfolio of coastally relevant social science research in the future. Finally, CTSG offers funding for the arts through our competitive Arts Support Awards program.
We are currently preparing to solicit proposals for competitive research funding under our 2026-2028 Omnibus. In light of this, CTSG will host an orientation meeting aimed at introducing new and interested researchers to CTSG and CTSG research opportunities, in addition to providing a primer on submitting grants to CTSG and including outreach and education components in your grant proposals.
This orientation meeting will be held remotely on Friday, Oct. 18 from 3 to 4:30 p.m., via Webex. If you wish to participate, please respond via e-mail by Oct. 11 to Dr. Syma Ebbin, CTSG Research Coordinator, at SeagrantResearch@uconn.edu.
Researchers and others are also invited to join two of our listservs. Our CTSG Research Announcements listserv is the official CTSG means of disseminating grant and fellowship opportunities. The second listserv, CTSG ProfDev is a conduit for disseminating professional development opportunities, including jobs, internships and other associated postings.
To subscribe to the CTSG Research mailing list, you may do so by:
1) sending a “SUBSCRIBE CTSG_RESEARCH_ANNOUNCEMENTS-L firstname lastname ” command in the body of an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU (do not add a subject in subject line); or
2) Go to http://listserv.uconn.edu and click on the CTSG_RESEARCH_ANNOUNCEMENTS-L link and follow the instructions to join. Please note that if you are already subscribed to the research listserve, and have received emails to this effect, you do not need to subscribe yourself again.
To subscribe to the CTSG ProfDev mailing list, you may do so by:
1) sending a “subscribe CTSG_profdev-L firstname lastname” command in the body of an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU (do not add a subject in subject line); or
2) Go to http://listserv.uconn.edu and click on the CTSG_PROFDEV–L link and follow the instructions to join.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Syma Ebbin via email or at (860) 405-9278. Once you have responded with your commitment to participate, more detailed information will be forthcoming. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope that you will be able to participate on Oct. 18.