“Sound Ideas for Clean Water” brochure now available
The CT and NY Sea Grant programs, together with the Long Island Sound Study and NEIWPCC, have created a new brochure about ways people can help improve the water quality of Long Island Sound by taking steps in their own homes and communities.
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New StoryMap explores LIS watershed’s land, people
“Connections to Long Island Sound: Exploring the land and people in the Long Island Sound Watershed,” is a StoryMap created by UConn CLEAR in partnership with the Long Island Sound Study.
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Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Ecology, Plants and Animals
Juliana Barrett, Ralph Lewis, Judy Benson, Nancy Balcom and Diana Payne. This 130-page guide provides explanatory text about the ecology, geology, common species and why Connecticut’s sandy beaches differ from many others along the Atlantic seaboard with dozens of figures and color photos.
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Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in CT guide available
“Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in Connecticut” lists native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants that can grow and thrive in areas along the banks of rivers, streams and other bodies of water, along with their wildlife value.
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Long Island Sound habitats StoryMap, webinar available
A new educational StoryMap, “A Virtual Tour of Long Island Sound Habitats,” and accompanying webinar for teachers is now available.
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Sturgeon monitoring informational sign in Spanish and English
A pdf of the informational sign about Atlantic sturgeon that is posted at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison is found here. Spanish and English versions of the sign are available for download.
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Slide presentations of “Living Treasures” now available online
A slide presentation to accompany the newly published 2021 edition of “Living Treasures: the Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound,” is now available online in English and Spanish.
[Read More]A Guide to Planting Along the Connecticut Coast
This 35-page guide lists native trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and vines that are appropriate for planting in Connecticut’s coastal zone. It includes a map of that ecoregion and characteristics of each species, such as tolerance to salt water and salt spray, light and soil requirements as well as wildlife and pollinator value.
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Living Treasures and Tesoros Vivientes: Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound
An updated version of Connecticut Sea Grant’s old favorite, “Living Treasures: The Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound” and the Spanish translation, “Tesoros Vivientes: Las plantas y animales del Long Island Sound” is available in print or for free download.
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Sound Facts: Fun Facts about Long Island Sound Second Edition
A fun and colorful, 80-page booklet about our favorite estuary, its biology, geology, chemical and physical parameters, and environmental concerns. This booklet is a compilation of features developed as a collaboration between Connecticut Sea Grant and The Day newspaper
[Read More]Fact sheet addresses nitrogen pollution & Long Island Sound
“A Healthier Long Island Sound: Nitrogen Pollution” a four-page fact sheet published by the Long Island Sound Study and written by Judy Preston, Connecticut Sea Grant’s Long Island Sound outreach coordinator, is now available.
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Pamphlets teach about marine life of Niantic beaches
The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation has published educational pamphlets to teach the public about the seaweeds, shells and plants on the town’s shorelines. The project was co-sponsored by the foundation and the East Lyme Parks and Recreation Department, with funding provided by Connecticut Sea Grant.
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Guide to decapods of Long Island Sound available
“Keys to the Larvae of Common Decapod Crustaceans in Long Island Sound,” a 48-page guide to the early life stages of lobsters, crabs and shrimp, was published in 2017 by Connecticut Sea Grant and Project Oceanology.
[Read More]Harmful Algae: A Compendium Desk Reference (executive summary)
This 16-page booklet provides a summary of the key issues and state of the science pertaining to harmful algal blooms as presented in “Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference,” to improve management and response.
[Read More]Valuing the Coast: Economic Impacts of Connecticut’s Maritime Industry
Robert S. Pomeroy, Nataliya Plesha and Umi Muawanah. The goal of this study was to ascertain and document the significance of the maritime industry to Connecticut’s economy. The specific objective is to estimate the total economic impact of maritime industry sectors through the use of an economic model of the Connecticut economy. Publication number CTSG-13-06. […]
[Read More]A Student’s Guide to the Phytoplankton of Long Island Sound
A digital guide to the microscopic world of phytoplankton, which make possible all of the creatures in Long Island Sound. A wonderful aid for high school or freshman college biology classes.
[Read More]Long Island Sound Curricular Resource Guide
Funded by the EPA Long Island Sound Study and edited by Diana Payne, the 148-page guide is a resource for educators teaching about Long Island Sound.
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Visual Guide to Invasive Species in Long Island Sound
A set of 18 field cards in full color, printed on heavy waterproof paper and hung on a key ring. Includes some native species for comparison.
[Read More]A Planting Guide for Riparian Sites Along the Connecticut Coast
This 8-page pamphlet, published in 2009, describes some of Connecticut’s coastal habitats, the functions and values of riparian buffers, and how to plant a riparian buffer. Such buffers can minimize the impacts of polluted runoff on water quality and coastal habitats.
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Salt Marsh Plants of Long Island Sound
This 38-page guide provides an overview of salt marsh habitats in the Long Island Sound region, and includes 23 individual plant descriptions with color photos and line drawings. It has a centerfold depicting marsh habitats and the location of salt marsh plants within the marsh.
[Read More]Long Island Sound Educational Resources CD-Rom
This CD is intended for K-12 teachers and educators only. It contains several educational resources for the classroom.
[Read More]Seaweeds of Long Island Sound- Second Edition
104 page, 4-color, lavishly illlustrated guide to the seaweeds of Long Island Sound. Topics include species identification and when, where, and how to collect and preserve specimens.
[Read More]A Guide to the Larval and Juvenile Stages of Common Long Island Sound Ascidians and Bryozoans
This beautifully illustrated guide will help you identify the early life stages of both ascidians and bryozoans in Long Island Sound.
[Read More]Guide to Understanding and Providing Public Access to Connecticut’s Coast
Connecticut’s coastline is one of the most densely populated in the nation, with about 3,235 people per square mile of shore. Yet 80% of the shoreline is privately owned. This pocket-sized, 18-page booklet is intended to serve as a guide for town planners and municipal officials.
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Aquatic Invasive Species of Long Island Sound Poster
Nancy C. Balcom A colorful poster depicting invasive species, with information on when they were reported in LIS. Cost: $1 per poster plus postage and handling if mailed. Up to five copies free to K-12 teachers, but postage and handling charges will apply. To receive a copy, contact: Caitlyn Briggs.
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