Year: 2017

Senate action is good news for Sea Grant

On a bipartisan vote, the Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved funding for the National Sea Grant program at $65 million for base programs and $11.5 million for Sea Grant aquaculture. Part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency budget, the funding for National Sea Grant supports Sea Grant programs in 33 states, including Connecticut […]

Letter from Our Director re Sea Grant Budget

FY17 federal budget agreement would continue to support Sea Grant Friends and colleagues, As you may know, President Trump’s budget proposal included a $30M cut (out of a $73M total for the program) to Sea Grant for FY17, the current fiscal year that ends on September 30, and an elimination of the funding for Sea […]

Quahog Bowl 2017 – The Results Are In!

Saturday Feb. 4, 2017 at UConn Avery Point Hosted by Connecticut Sea Grant The National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) is an academic competition for high school students focusing on ocean-related topics. The competition combines a Jeapordy-style question and answer round with Team Challenge Questions, requiring analysis and synthesis of scientific data and/or concepts. The Quahog […]

Collaborative Research to Improve Coastal Literacy in Connecticut

Collaborative research on teaching and learning practices in high schools could pay off by improving coastal literacy in Connecticut. “All residents of the state of Connecticut are intimately linked with the coastal ecosystem. Our state’s coastal resources provide food, jobs, and recreational activities” says Michael Finiguerra, a coastal scientist at the University of Connecticut. Yet, […]

Cranston Herald features veteran high school team returning to 2017 Quahog Bowl

With 13 years experience, Cranston East will head to the 2017 Quahog Bowl, a regional competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl that is in its 16th year. The theme this year is “Blue Energy: Powering the Planet with Our Oceans” and Cranston East will be facing fifteen other teams from across Connecticut and Rhode […]

Modeling Vibrio Window of Concern Can Benefit Shellfish Industry and Consumers

Mike Whitney, a marine scientist at the University of Connecticut, is working to help control or prevent possible outbreaks of illness from Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a bacteria normally present in sea water. When Vibrio concentrations rise during warm summer conditions, the harmful bacteria can accumulate in shellfish and cause illness for human consumers.  Whitney leads a […]

Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher (LISMT) Program

Connecticut educators are strongly influenced by standards in multiple subjects in terms of curriculum, instruction and assessment. With the release of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), there is a significant change in the way science is taught and assessed. Since the release, states across the country are considering adoption, in whole or in part, […]