The public is invited to six regional meetings and a film premier event over the next eight weeks to learn about and comment on the Long Island Sound Blue Plan.
Art, science & conservation is subject of upcoming talk
A discussion titled, “Art, Science and Conservation: Saving the World’s Great Whales and Other Marine Mammals,” will take place at 6:30 p.m. April 17 at the Branford House at UConn Avery Point.
Classes explored lawns as environmental friend or foe
The Spring 2019 Coastal Certificate Program starting April 23 will focus on lawns. With an emphasis on sustainable gardening for clean waters, the program is comprised of evening talks from scientists and practitioners about a range of topics, providing alternatives to nutrient and chemical intensive land care.
Citizen science shows climate change rapidly reshaping LIS
Rapid temperature increases, more acidic waters and species shifts in Long Island Sound are among the findings of a Connecticut Sea Grant-supported study of 45 years of data collected by Project Oceanology.
Long Island Sound Blue Plan debuts, feedback sought
Spring’s sunny beginning on March 20 drew dozens of beachgoers to Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, making for an especially fitting backdrop for the public release of the Long Island Sound Blue Plan, a first-of-its-kind inventory and guide for the estuary shared by Connecticut and New York.
Long Island Sound conference showcases diverse research
Three presentations about Long Island Sound nutrients and chemistry shared the program with more than 25 others focusing on management of tautog for overfishing, habitat restoration projects, the blue crab population, new tools to manage the Sound and numerous other topics at the daylong 2019 Long Island Sound Research Conference.
Citizen scientists key to active recreational shellfish beds
The efforts of Don Murphy, Richard Conant and other citizen scientists — also called community scientists — on municipal shellfish commissions are being highlighted by Connecticut Sea Grant as part of a NOAA Sea Grant initiative.
Site design, green infrastructure is focus of symposium
The Connecticut Adaptation Academy and The Rockfall Foundation will be presenting a workshop titled, “Site Design and Green Infrastructure for Changing Weather Patterns,” from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 12.
Over $1.5M funds 4 Long Island Sound research projects
Over $1.5 million in funding has been awarded for four research projects looking into ecological issues in the Long Island Sound and its watershed. Two of the awards will go to University of Connecticut researchers.
NL team captures first Quahog Bowl win, heads to nationals
After a day dominated by time clocks, buzzers, science judges and the powers of quick recall of all things related to the ocean, the team from the Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut gushed with unfettered joy.