maritime heritage

Sea Grant joins in 61st Essex Annual Shad Bake

The 61st Essex Annual Shad Bake on June 1 drew hundreds to the waterfront at the Connecticut River Museum to dine on this spring’s catch of Connecticut River shad. Co-sponsored by the museum and the Rotary Club of Essex, this year’s event included Connecticut Sea Grant participation.

All ages turn out for second annual Thames River Quest

About 100 people participated in the Thames River Quest on June 1, enjoying free water taxi rides between Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park and Thames Street in Groton and the Downtown Waterfront Park and Fort Trumbull State Park in New London, where each of the four legs of the treasure-hunt style educational hike were located.

New exhibit celebrates decade of CTSG-supported art

Connecticut Sea Grant is proud to present “Crosscurrents,” an exhibition of works created through CTSG’s Arts Support Awards Program over the last 10 years. Ground-breaking, multimedia works by 13 artists whose creations have enhanced awareness of Connecticut’s coastal environment and maritime heritage will be on display .