Manmade chemicals known as PFAS and microplastics emerged as the top concerns of the 646 people who responded to a survey conducted in late 2021 by the Contaminants of Emerging Concern Project.
Learn about the survey on Contaminants of Emerging Concern
A partnership of the Connecticut, New Hampshire and North Carolina Sea Grant programs and Lighthouse Consulting Group conducted a survey as part of a federally funded project announced in September 2021. The survey closed on Dec. 31. Please check back for updates on the results.
With seas awash in plastic, big changes needed at all scales
This op-ed article by CTSG Communications Coordinator Judy Benson was published in Connecticut Hearst newspapers on Nov. 6, 2021.
Marine life, human-sea interactions to be explored by researchers
Six research projects exploring various facets of Long Island Sound and the wider marine environment have been selected by CTSG for the 2022-2024 funding cycle. Four will focus on marine life amid changing environmental conditions. One will look at community behaviors in response to flood risks, while the sixth will focus on human relationships with the ocean.
Cleanups cap #DontTrashLISound-#DoOneThing campaign
Volunteers netted about 102 pounds of trash during the Sept. 18 cleanup at Ocean Beach Park in New London, one of more than two dozen CT Cleanup events across the state on International Coastal Cleanup Day.
Key questions about environmental contaminants to be addressed by CTSG, partners
Connecticut Sea Grant, in partnership with the New Hampshire and North Carolina Sea Grant programs and Lighthouse Consulting Group, has been awarded an $850,000 federal grant to help unravel the complex problem of contaminants of emerging concern, or CECs, in coastal and freshwater environments.
Cleanup kicks off #DontTrashLISound-#DoOneThing campaign
Volunteers collected more than 35 pounds of trash on Aug. 16 at Sherwood Island State Park to launch this year’s #DontTrashLISound campaign.
#DoOneThing theme of 2021 #DontTrashLISound campaign
CT Sea Grant, joined by volunteers from Save the Sound, the Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk and other groups, will launch the fifth annual #DontTrashLISound campaign with a cleanup at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport on Aug. 16.
Updated app, new rules & soggy summer: time for a rain garden
July’s wet weather may have dampened plans for beach days and barbeques, but it’s also a reminder of an environmental problem homeowners can help solve in their own yards. This article about an updated rain garden app and new rules for stormwater runoff was also published in The Day on July 16.
Wrack Lines recognized in two national contests
Wrack Lines magazine has received two awards in the Association for Communication Excellence 2020 Critiques and Awards Program.