A look at offshore wind development in Connecticut
“Winds of change: Connecticut starts to see signs of offshore turbine development” in Wrack Lines Magazine Vol. 22 No. 2
Norwalk harbor improves, but faces new challenges
“In a Cleaner Norwalk Harbor, Birds and Fish Return, as the Challenges of Climate Change Loom,” in Wrack Lines magazine, Vol. 18, No. 2.
“Deploying Sugar Kelp Seed String” video
New video, “Deploying Sugar Kelp Seed String,” showing the process of planting seaweed in LIS. Kelp farmer DJ King and Anoushka Concepcion, associate extension education specializing in marine aquaculture, talk about this new and exciting crop that is edible, nutritious and environmentally friendly.
Foundations of Shellfish Farming course offered by CTSG
The new Foundations of Shellfish Farming training course is for new and prospective farmers and those who simply seek to learn more about aquaculture practices and techniques. Classes will be on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30 p.m. from Jan. 24 to April 11 at UConn Avery Point.
The Relationship between Aquaculture and the Public Trust in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island
A new fact sheet, “The Relationship between Aquaculture and the Public Trust in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island” seeks to improve understanding of the public trust doctrine and use of public waters for shellfish aquaculture in these three states.
Contaminants of Emerging Concern infographic credit information
Infographic originally published in, “Occurrence and Fate of Emerging Pollutants in Water Environment and Options for Their Removal,” by Vasilachi, Ionela Cătălina; Asiminicesei, Dana Mihaela; Fertu, Daniela Ionela; and Gavrilescu, Maria in Water 2021 13(2): https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/2/181/htm. Used with permission.
Sturgeon monitoring informational sign in Spanish and English
A pdf of the informational sign about Atlantic sturgeon that is posted at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison is found here. Spanish and English versions of the sign are available for download.
Map of Great Island
Map: CTEco (https://cteco.uconn.edu/viewer/index.html?viewer=advanced)
Past recipients of CT Sea Grant Arts Support Awards
CTSG-supported artists inspired by flyway, LIS shellfish Arts Support Award recipients to perform 3 concerts in March 2022 arts award program sees highest number of awardees New Haven artist chosen for 2021 CTSG Arts Support Award Discarded fabric, puppets are grist for marine-themed art Plastic pollution is focus of 2019 arts awardee’s work Exhibit […]