Long Island Sound Study

Public input sought for LIS management plan revision

The Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan revision process is currently underway. If you live, work, or play in the Long Island Sound region, this plan could affect on-the-ground projects near you. If there are environmental challenges in your life and community that you want to make sure are addressed, let us know in the upcoming public engagement sessions.

New staff will help communities with growing climate challenges

If experience really is the best teacher, Deborah Abibou and Alicia Tyson have been to some of the prime places to learn about community resilience work. The two recently joined CTSG, filling new positions as sustainable and resilient community extension educators.

8 research projects seek to improve management of LIS

Eight research projects that will examine various facets of the water chemistry and habitat quality of Long Island Sound and potentially yield more effective management decisions have been awarded more than $2.8 million in federal funding through the Long Island Sound Study Research Grant Program.