Adding farmed seafood to your plate is a great way to go green! This Earth Week, Al Roker and NBC’s Today show profiled aquaculture, or seafood farming, as part of their climate solution coverage.
Author: Judy Benson
Avery Point EcoHuskies host Earth Day event
The UConn Avery Point EcoHusky Club will host an Earth Day celebration from noon to 2 p.m. on April 19 on the campus green.
Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in CT guide available
“Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in Connecticut” lists native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants that can grow and thrive in areas along the banks of rivers, streams and other bodies of water, along with their wildlife value.
Shell recycling initiative being introduced in Connecticut
Empty oyster and clam shells from Long Island Sound shouldn’t be treated like trash. They are vital components of healthy habitat for shellfish and other marine life, and need to be returned to their watery home. That’s the message shell recycling advocates are advancing as part of a new statewide initiative.
CT Sea Grant’s 2022 Annual Report now available
CTSG’s 2022 Annual Report is now available as a downloadable pdf. It offers highlights of CTSG’s accomplishments for the 2021-22 Sea Grant fiscal year, which runs from February 2021 through January 2022.
Summer intern sought for communications position with LISS
NEIWPCC and the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) are seeking a communications intern to provide writing and publishing assistance during the summer of 2023.
Connecticut Sea Grant seeking applicants for 3 positions
CT Sea Grant is excited to share openings for three extension positions. Applicants are being sought for: extension educator-nature-based approaches to resilience; sustainable and resilient communities assistant extension educator; and Long Island Sound outreach coordinator.
LIS bi-state Sustainable and Resilient Communities Workshop
The Sustainable and Resilient Communities extension professionals held their first bi-state workshop in December 2022. Videos of the six sessions available.
9 projects focus on LIS marshes, water quality, public beaches
Long Island Sound water quality, salt marsh and public beach characteristics will be examined by marine and social scientists in nine research projects awarded funding by the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs and the EPA’s Long Island Sound Study.
“Deploying Sugar Kelp Seed String” video
New video, “Deploying Sugar Kelp Seed String,” showing the process of planting seaweed in LIS. Kelp farmer DJ King and Anoushka Concepcion, associate extension education specializing in marine aquaculture, talk about this new and exciting crop that is edible, nutritious and environmentally friendly.