
NOAA’s Milford lab provides key ingredient for shellfish farms

“The Milford lab,” as it is known in the shellfish industry, is a main supplier of algae to shellfish farmers along the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts – and even worldwide. NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center has supplied algae free of charge to shellfish farms for more than five decades, drawing from collection of 230 strains, among them those that are most important for young oysters and clams.

Long Island Sound conference showcases diverse research

Three presentations about Long Island Sound nutrients and chemistry shared the program with more than 25 others focusing on management of tautog for overfishing, habitat restoration projects, the blue crab population, new tools to manage the Sound and numerous other topics at the daylong 2019 Long Island Sound Research Conference.

2018 annual report highlights CTSG initiatives, outreach

Learn about Connecticut Sea Grant’s activities in seafood production and consumption, workforce development, hazard-resilient communities, ocean and coastal literacy and research, healthy coastal ecosystems and economy and research in the 2018 Annual Report summary.

Come to the Connecticut Sea Grant 30th Anniversary Research Forum

The public is invited attend the 30th Anniversary Researcher Forum, which will take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 103 of the Marine Sciences Building at UConn’s Avery Point campus.