As National Hurricane Preparedness Week May 5 – 11 calls on everyone to be more aware of how to protect themselves from natural disasters, researchers in Connecticut are exploring an area of vulnerability that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Citizen science shows climate change rapidly reshaping LIS
Rapid temperature increases, more acidic waters and species shifts in Long Island Sound are among the findings of a Connecticut Sea Grant-supported study of 45 years of data collected by Project Oceanology.
Long Island Sound conference showcases diverse research
Three presentations about Long Island Sound nutrients and chemistry shared the program with more than 25 others focusing on management of tautog for overfishing, habitat restoration projects, the blue crab population, new tools to manage the Sound and numerous other topics at the daylong 2019 Long Island Sound Research Conference.
Over $1.5M funds 4 Long Island Sound research projects
Over $1.5 million in funding has been awarded for four research projects looking into ecological issues in the Long Island Sound and its watershed. Two of the awards will go to University of Connecticut researchers.
2018 annual report highlights CTSG initiatives, outreach
Learn about Connecticut Sea Grant’s activities in seafood production and consumption, workforce development, hazard-resilient communities, ocean and coastal literacy and research, healthy coastal ecosystems and economy and research in the 2018 Annual Report summary.
CTSG receiving research proposals for new funding cycle
The Connecticut Sea Grant College Program has issued its call for preliminary proposals for the 2020-2022 Omnibus Funding Cycle for the funding period of Feb. 1, 2020 to Jan. 31, 2022.
Come to the Connecticut Sea Grant 30th Anniversary Research Forum
The public is invited attend the 30th Anniversary Researcher Forum, which will take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 103 of the Marine Sciences Building at UConn’s Avery Point campus.
Guidelines for Utilizing Aquatic Organisms for Scientific/Educational Purposes in Connecticut
D. Carey, S. Kelly, T. S. Getchis This document outlines the State of Connecticut’s requirements for scientists, students and educators working with molluscan shellfish, finfish, crustaceans, and other marine animals. Free. Download PDF