The Connecticut Adaptation Academy and The Rockfall Foundation will be presenting a workshop titled, “Site Design and Green Infrastructure for Changing Weather Patterns,” from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 12.
Year: 2019
Over $1.5M funds 4 Long Island Sound research projects
Over $1.5 million in funding has been awarded for four research projects looking into ecological issues in the Long Island Sound and its watershed. Two of the awards will go to University of Connecticut researchers.
NL team captures first Quahog Bowl win, heads to nationals
After a day dominated by time clocks, buzzers, science judges and the powers of quick recall of all things related to the ocean, the team from the Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut gushed with unfettered joy.
Toxins to templates: it’s all in shellfish commissioners’ world
Clams and oysters might seem like simple creatures, not bothered with cell phones, income taxes or the meaning of life. But for the humans overseeing how these animals are harvested, the condition of the waters where they live and their opportunities for growth in Long Island Sound, the lives of these bivalves are a complicated affair.
‘New normal’ of flooded roads presents complex challenges
With frequent downpours flooding many of the state’s coastal roads throughout the fall and into January – including the previous day – the workshop could hardly have had more relevance and timeliness.
‘You can link economic incentives to small-scale fisheries’
An interview with Bob Pomeroy, fisheries extension specialist with Connecticut Sea Grant, appeared in “Fish Forever Progress Update,” a newsletter published by the international organization Rare, and is reprinted with permission from the editors.
Exhibit offers fresh look at coastal environment, maritime heritage
“Crosscurrents,” an exhibit of the works of more than a dozen artists supported by CT Sea Grant, opened Jan. 24 at the Alexey Von Schlippe Gallery, located in The Branford House at the UConn Avery Point campus.
16 teams to compete in 22nd annual Quahog Bowl on Feb. 2
“Observe the Ocean; Secure the Future,” will be the theme of the 22st annual Quahog Bowl academic competition for high school students at UConn’s Avery Point campus from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 2.
New exhibit celebrates decade of CTSG-supported art
Connecticut Sea Grant is proud to present “Crosscurrents,” an exhibition of works created through CTSG’s Arts Support Awards Program over the last 10 years. Ground-breaking, multimedia works by 13 artists whose creations have enhanced awareness of Connecticut’s coastal environment and maritime heritage will be on display .
2018 annual report highlights CTSG initiatives, outreach
Learn about Connecticut Sea Grant’s activities in seafood production and consumption, workforce development, hazard-resilient communities, ocean and coastal literacy and research, healthy coastal ecosystems and economy and research in the 2018 Annual Report summary.