Connecticut Sea Grant’s Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Report is now available. With photos, graphics and summaries of many of our projects and initiatives, it’s a great way to get a quick overview of our programs.
Year: 2021
Hydrilla’s threat to CT River highlighted in new video
Learn about the threat facing the Connecticut River from hydrilla, a troublesome, invasive aquatic plant, in this new video.
CTSG-led project looks to help unlock potential of seaweed
Connecticut Sea Grant will lead a three-year, multi-state initiative to create the economic and business framework needed to spur the fledgling domestic kelp industry into the mainstream.
Living Treasures and Tesoros Vivientes: Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound
An updated version of Connecticut Sea Grant’s old favorite, “Living Treasures: The Plants and Animals of Long Island Sound” and the Spanish translation, “Tesoros Vivientes: Las plantas y animales del Long Island Sound” is available in print or for free download.
25th season of Coastal Perspective Lectures announced
The 25th season of the Coastal Perspectives Lectures will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 9 with a presentation by author and historian Skip Finley titled, “A Voyage of Discovery with Skip Finley.”
Our readers talk to us about the new Wrack Lines issue
Readers of the Fall-Winter 2020-21 issue of Wrack Lines are sending comments to the new “Talk to Us” column. Check out what they’re saying and send your own responses to: We’d love to hear from you! “We just received the latest Wrack Lines and wanted to let you know much my wife and I […]
Call for Preliminary Proposals for 2022-2024 Omnibus Funding Cycle
The Connecticut Sea Grant College Program (CTSG) has issued its call for preliminary proposals for the 2022-2024 Omnibus Funding Cycle for the funding period of Feb. 1, 2022 to Jan. 31, 2024.