Author: Judy Benson

Connecticut Sea Grant Arts Support Awards Program

Connecticut Sea Grant, through its competitive funding program the Arts Support Awards Program, will award up to $1000 to an artist or group of artists. The winning submission will be selected on the basis of aesthetic quality, relevance to coastal and marine environments and Connecticut Sea Grant themes, as well as its potential reach and impact on non-traditional “audiences.” Application deadline: May 16, 2025

UConn doctoral student awarded NOAA-Sea Grant fellowship

Halle Berger, a UConn marine sciences doctoral student, is one of 10 early career scientists awarded the 2024 National Marine Fisheries-Sea Grant Fellowship that provides support for critical fisheries research. Her research focuses on sea scallops, one of the most valuable fisheries in the United States.

Long Island Sound Resilience Assistance Programs

The Long Island Sound Study sustainable and resilient communities extension professionals have established two assistance programs–the Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program and the Long Island Sound Resilience Planning Support Program.