Big challenges don’t scare Myalia Durno and Brendon Goulette, recipients of CTSG Undergraduate Research Fellowships. This summer, after finishing the spring semesters at their respective colleges, Durno and Goulette will delve into two of the most complex problems facing the marine environment.
Twelve questions with Anoushka Concepcion
In recognition of May as Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month, Connecticut Sea Grant is pleased to share a question-and-answer interview with Anoushka Concepcion, extension educator and aquaculture extension specialist.
Wrack Lines recognized in two national contests
Wrack Lines magazine has received two awards in the Association for Communication Excellence 2020 Critiques and Awards Program.
Varied perspectives explored in new issue of Wrack Lines
Learn about bringing more diversity to the sciences, environmental justice, the Shoreline Greenway Trail, a new diversity fellowship and the unique career of Bob Pomeroy with fish and fishermen across the globe in the Fall-Winter 2020-21 issue of Wrack Lines magazine.
In the Lyme woods, a reminder of a diverse past
In this article published on the opinion page of The Day of New London on Nov. 15, CT Sea Grant Communications Coordinator Judy Benson credits a land acknowledgement sign on a hiking trail with giving new inspiration for diversity initiatives.
Fellowship supports diversity in marine, coastal research
Three undergraduate students helping pave the way for greater diversity in the sciences have been chosen as the first recipients of Connecticut Sea Grant’s new summer undergraduate research fellowships for underrepresented and underserved students in marine and coastal scientific research.