The Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan revision process is currently underway. If you live, work, or play in the Long Island Sound region, this plan could affect on-the-ground projects near you. If there are environmental challenges in your life and community that you want to make sure are addressed, let us know in the upcoming public engagement sessions.
Sea Grant
Oceanography special issue features articles by CTSG writers
NOAA Sea Grant-funded research and work across the nation are being highlighted in a special issue of Oceanography. The issue features 36 articles by Sea Grant authors across 29 programs and the National Sea Grant Office. Among contributors are CTSG’s Extension Educator Emerita Juliana Barrett and Communications Coordinator Judy Benson.
Eclipse event a fitting way to mark Community Science Month
Hundreds of families, couples and friend groups brought picnics, beach blankets, camp chairs and curiosity about the natural world to the eclipse viewing event at Camp Harkness in Waterford on April 8. By coincidence, the eclipse happened during the annual observance of Community Science Month.
Avery Point EcoHusky Club to host Earth Day celebration
The public is invited to join students, faculty and UConn staff at the UConn Avery Point EcoHusky Club’s annual Earth Day Celebration from noon to 2 p.m. on Monday April 22.
Sea Grant’s impacts ripple across U.S. communities
National Sea Grant has created a StoryMap featuring projects from all 33 of the nation’s Sea Grant programs, including the Fenwick living shoreline project in Connecticut.
2023 CT Sea Grant Annual Report summary now available
The fiscal 2023 annual report summary, which presents an overview of CT Sea Grant funding, research investments and projects in fisheries and aquaculture; environmental literacy; workforce development; resilient communities; and coastal ecosystems and watershed is now available.
Northern Woodlands magazine features CTSG forest project
The Winter 2023 issue of Northern Woodlands magazine features an article titled, “Planting for the Future at Hoffman Evergreen Preserve,” about the CT Sea Grant-Avalonia Land Trust project at the Stonington forest.
Arts Support Award recipients to perform 3 concerts in March
Musical compositions created by the collaboration of an oceanographer, pianist and composer and funded by the CT Sea Grant Arts Support Award will be performed in March.
NY & CT Sea Grant programs hosting LIS Research Conference May 15
The Long Island Sound Research conference convenes every other year, rotating venues between the states of Connecticut and New York. Highlighted at this biennial conference is the diverse research occurring in the Long Island Sound and its watershed.
Research will study LIS habitats, marine life, workforce diversity
Six research projects relevant to Long Island Sound and continuing improvements in its restoration and management have been selected by Connecticut Sea Grant for the 2024-2026 funding cycle.