Year: 2021

How we will welcome multiple perspectives and encourage open expression of ideas:

Model and require respectful behavior in all personal interactions because words and actions, or the lack thereof, have powerful meanings. In CTSG-sponsored, co-sponsored or facilitated meetings, programs, events and office spaces: Clearly articulate expectations for respectful behavior that offers everyone a chance to participate. Treat everyone as an individual who is unique and has something […]

How we will pursue staff education about DEI & environmental justice in CTSG & the communities we serve:

Commit to continued professional development to acquire a basic understanding of inequities based upon age, race, gender, religion, income and other demographic characteristics. (e.g., monthly staff meeting that includes guest speakers and/or reviewing, sharing and discussing relevant articles, information or tools; participation in other learning opportunities) Learn about inequities that exist across Connecticut communities and […]

Marine life, human-sea interactions to be explored by researchers

Six research projects exploring various facets of Long Island Sound and the wider marine environment have been selected by CTSG for the 2022-2024 funding cycle. Four will focus on marine life amid changing environmental conditions. One will look at community behaviors in response to flood risks, while the sixth will focus on human relationships with the ocean.