Year: 2021

Sen. Blumenthal seeks funding for CT River hydrilla control

Sen. Richard Blumenthal announced on June 3 that he is leading an effort to secure $100 million over four years in federal funding for a multistate effort to control hydrilla in the  Connecticut River watershed. 

Gov. Lamont commends final approval of LIS Blue Plan

Governor Ned Lamont is applauding the Connecticut State Senate for giving unanimous, final approval on May 14 to legislation approving the Long Island Sound Blue Plan in concurrence with the House of Representatives, which approved the plan late last month.

New interactive tool will guide shellfish restoration in LIS

CT Sea Grant worked with partners to build an interactive digital viewer to aid shellfish restoration work. The Connecticut Shellfish Restoration Story Map fills a critical gap needed to determine the areas where restoration efforts are most likely to succeed.

A Guide to Planting Along the Connecticut Coast

This 35-page guide lists native trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and vines that are appropriate for planting in Connecticut’s coastal zone. It includes a map of that ecoregion and characteristics of each species, such as tolerance to salt water and salt spray, light and soil requirements as well as wildlife and pollinator value.

Sea Grant, DOE, NOAA Fisheries partner to invest $1M+ to support research for the co-existence of ocean energy with Northeast fishing and coastal communities

A new research funding opportunity to improve understanding of offshore renewable energy interactions with fishing and coastal communities to optimize ocean co-use is announced by 7 Sea Grant programs, NOAA Fisheries and the Dept. of Energy.