The NOAA Sea Grant John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship application period is now open. The Knauss Fellowship provides a unique educational experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean and coastal resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.
Sea Grant
Long Island Sound Research Conference call for abstracts
The biennial conference highlighting diverse research occurring in Long Island Sound and its watershed will take place in Port Jefferson, N.Y. on March 15.
Little Narragansett Bay research probes a vexing community problem
Prof. Jamie Vaudrey and her colleagues in the UConn Marine Sciences Department have been involved in ongoing research to diagnose and find a solution to a nuisance algae, Cladophora, that has overtaken Little Narragansett Bay. In the latest phase of that research, Vaudrey is working with Prof. Julie Granger on a project to pinpoint the source of the nitrogen-laden nutrients getting into the bay that are fueling the explosive seaweed growth.
CT Sea Grant becomes Thames River Heritage Park partner
Connecticut Sea Grant has joined 16 historic and cultural organizations that have signed on as stakeholders in the Thames River Heritage Park.
Public weighs in on plan for southeastern CT estuary reserve
The wide diversity of habitats is a key feature of the area of the southeastern Connecticut shoreline designated to be part of what could become Connecticut’s only National Estuarine Research Reserve,
The people side of the lobster disaster
Question & Answer with Tarsila Seara, assistant professor and coordinator of marine affairs at the University of New Haven
Juliana Barrett interviewed on Bird Calls Radio
Juliana Barrett, associate extension educator and coastal habitat specialist for Connecticut Sea Grant, is interviewed for Bird Calls Radio in a show that aired on Tuesday Nov. 6.
Beautiful images from our Wrack Lines photo contest
Winning entries in our 30th anniversary photo contest will be published in the upcoming Fall-Winter 2018-19 issue of the magazine. Here are some of the other entries depicting how we live, work, play and enjoy the natural beauty of Long Island Sound.
Coastal storm preparedness story map created for Connecticut towns
This Coastal Storm Story Map map provides information on evacuation zones and local evacuation routes, as well as links to sign up for town emergency alerts.
Restoration plan for shellfish beds is goal of new project
Town agencies, environmental professionals and groups interested in joining as partners in the project are encouraged to contact Tessa Getchis, aquaculture extension specialist at Connecticut Sea Grant. Work will begin this fall, with a report identifying potential restoration areas to be released in two years.