Sea Grant

Long Island Sound School network applications sought

Interested in joining like-minded educators in protecting the Long Island Sound watershed and inspiring the next generation of stewards? Become part of the Long Island Sound (LIS) School network and make a commitment to the protection and conservation of local watersheds, LIS and our one global ocean.

Seaweed growers urged to pursue markets in plant-based foods

Plant-based alternatives to meat, milk and other foods derived from animal products are the fastest growing sector of the food industry, as more consumers identify as “flexitarians” who want to eat in a healthier, more environmentally friendly way.

New staff focusing on community needs, resilience & Long Island Sound

Three new extension educators have joined Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn Extension this summer, charged with different facets of outreach and partnership with communities and residents to enhance resilience, stewardship and appreciation of Long Island Sound and its watershed.

Discovering the joys of fishing & shaping a waterfront park

On a sunny Saturday morning the Bridgeport community gathered at Knowlton Park for a “Let’s Go Fishing!” event on Aug. 19. Residents of all ages angled into the art of fishing as part of a unique initiative to activate the waterfront and gather insights for the future “Sliver by the River” community waterfront park.