Four lectures remain in the 29th season of the annual Coastal Perspectives Lecture series that began on Feb. 11 will continue through April 22. The sessions are held every other Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Avery Point campus of UConn.
Coastal Habitats
CTSG-supported artists inspired by flyway, LIS shellfish
A visual storyteller of natural history and an artist who paints Long Island Sound shellfish are recipients of the 2024 Connecticut Sea Grant Arts Support Award.
Issue features oyster videos, black sea bass, marshes & more
“Natural Effects: Tales of Our Dynamic Environment” is the theme for the Spring-Summer 2024 issue of Wrack Lines. Read about the project using GoPro cameras on oyster cages, research into the explosion of black sea bass in the Sound, three scientists studying CT salt marshes, and more.
Northern Woodlands magazine features CTSG forest project
The Winter 2023 issue of Northern Woodlands magazine features an article titled, “Planting for the Future at Hoffman Evergreen Preserve,” about the CT Sea Grant-Avalonia Land Trust project at the Stonington forest.
Sherwood Island Oysters featured in new aquaculture video
This week’s installment in the Connecticut Aquaculture Video Series focuses on Growing Oysters in Tidal Pond and features Jonathan Goldstein and the crew at Sherwood Island Oysters in Westport.
Book launch & author talk for beach and dune guide Nov. 29
The public is invited to a book launch and author talk on “Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Plants and Animals” at 4 p.m. on Nov. 29 in Room 103 of the Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building at UConn Avery Point.
Article recounts coastal forest resiliency project
“Hoffman Evergreen Preserve: a forest for now and the future”, in Wrack Lines Magazine Vol. 22 No. 2
Natural, human impacts on salt marsh migration explored
“Keeping Up with Sea Level Rise: Natural and Human Impacts on Salt Marsh Migration,” in Wrack Lines Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 2
New staff focusing on community needs, resilience & Long Island Sound
Three new extension educators have joined Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn Extension this summer, charged with different facets of outreach and partnership with communities and residents to enhance resilience, stewardship and appreciation of Long Island Sound and its watershed.
LIS Ecosystem Workshop for teachers offered on Sept. 9
The Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher program of Connecticut Sea Grant and the Long Island Sound Study will host a Long Island Sound Ecosystems Workshop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 9 at Hammonassett Beach State Park in Madison.