
Research to focus on contaminants in urban waterways

Fish, shellfish, insect, water and sediment samples from urban coastal areas from the Chesapeake Bay to Northern New England will be analyzed for the presence of potentially harmful chemicals in four research projects commissioned by a partnership of the CT, NH and NC Sea Grant programs.

2023 undergraduate fellows to focus on plastics, sea scallops

Big challenges don’t scare Myalia Durno and Brendon Goulette, recipients of CTSG Undergraduate Research Fellowships. This summer, after finishing the spring semesters at their respective colleges, Durno and Goulette will delve into two of the most complex problems facing the marine environment.

9 projects focus on LIS marshes, water quality, public beaches

Long Island Sound water quality, salt marsh and public beach characteristics will be examined by marine and social scientists in nine research projects awarded funding by the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs and the EPA’s Long Island Sound Study.

CTSG fellow to study how behavior shaped in response to climate impacts

Like it or not, climate change is impacting everyone, with effects ranging from subtle to profound. As the CTSG Marine and Coastal Economics fellow, Samjhana Koirala will research key questions about how income, education and other factors influence how people respond.