Beachcombing along the Connecticut coast can be a fun and healthy educational activity for families eager to get out outdoors while the COVID-19 virus keeps children home from school.
Sea Grant
Grant will fund creation of climate impacts video
Adapt CT, an outreach partnership of CT Sea Grant and CLEAR, has been awarded a $2,978 grant to fund a student intern to work on a video about climate change in Connecticut.
Rep. Courtney heads effort to restore Sea Grant funding
U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney is once again leading the charge in the House of Representatives to ensure strong support for the Sea Grant Program in the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget.
2019 Annual Report highlights work of CT Sea Grant
With lively photos, quotes from stakeholders and easy-to-read summaries, the new annual report offers an inviting way to find out what CT Sea Grant has been up to in the 2019 fiscal year.
Symposium looks to shape bright future for seaweed farming
Create a trade association to spearhead marketing. Develop solutions and strategies to extend the shelf life of seaweed. Recognize that seaweed isn’t like other seafood — it’s competing for space on the dinner plate with vegetables, Ideas like these were in abundance at the National Seaweed Symposium.
Hearing airs ideas on Blue Plan’s strengths, shortcomings
Sound science, an open and transparent process, and a treasure trove of facts, figures and maps available to everyone — those are some of the attributes speakers ascribed to the Long Island Sound Blue Plan at a public hearing before the Environment Committee of the State Legislature on Feb. 21.
Lecture explores art, science of plastics in the environment
Photographer Elizabeth Ellenwood and UConn Marine Sciences Prof. J. Evan Ward will offer different and complementary perspectives on the proliferation of plastics in the marine environment at a Feb. 25 talk at the Avery Point campus of the University of Connecticut.
“The Serengeti Rules” to be shown at Avery Point on Feb. 20
A free screening of a spectacular film about hope for the future of ecosystems on Earth will be shown from 7 to 9 p.m. on Feb. 20 in the auditorium at UConn Avery Point.
Classes teach how to make connections with gardening
Registration is now being accepted for this year’s Coastal Certificate Program, titled “Pathways from Source to Sea — How Gardens Can Make the Connection.” It will take place in March at Connecticut College in New London.
Learn about Blue Heritage Trail project at Feb. 2 talk
Syma Ebbin, research coordinator for Connecticut Sea Grant, will join two others involved in the development of the Blue Heritage Trail in a presentation about the project at 2 p.m. Feb. 2 at the Groton Congregational Church.