After considering four sites in Long Island Sound, the group has agreed to propose that a hybrid site comprised of areas in the lower Connecticut River and Bluff Point State Park in Groton be nominated as a NERR site.
Sea Grant
Food Boat bringing local seafood to New Haven Farmers Market
Eating with the Ecosystem will host the third in a series of Food Boat cooking demonstrations and tastings at the New Haven Farmers Market on Oct. 24.
Sailing ship becomes classroom for Sea Grant experts, researchers
Leaders of partner organizations, town officials and individual stakeholders joined Connecticut Sea Grant on Oct. 5 for an on-the-water workshop aboard the Onrust, a replica of the vessel Dutch explorer Adraien Block sailed into Long Island Sound and the Connecticut River in the early 1600s.
Farmers, chefs confer about moving local kelp into the mainstream
Fueled by forkfuls of kelp and root vegetable salad, chefs brainstormed alongside current and prospective kelp growers about how to get more Connecticut sea vegetables into home and restaurant kitchens.
CTSG’s Judy Preston interviewed on radio show focusing on plastics
The Connecticut Public Radio show “Where We Live” recently aired, “Swimming in Plastic,” focusing on the problem of plastics in the environment.
Public access show highlights CT Sea Grant’s work of past 30 years
“Community Buzz” show about Connecticut Sea Grant and its 30th anniversary celebration is being broadcast on SEC-TV Channel 12 for Thames Valley and Comcast subscribers.
Habitat walk, paint-out bring artists to Avery Point
Nine members of the Connecticut Plein Air Painters Society visited UConn Avery Point on Sept. 9 at the invitation of Connecticut Sea Grant. The event is part of Sea Grant’s efforts to reach out to new groups during its 30th anniversary year celebration.
Food Boat event introduces market-goers to scup
“If you end up liking our sample,” said Kate Masury, program director for the nonprofit group Eating With the Ecosystem, “go out and ask for it at your local market. By eating these local species, you’re helping reduce carbon emissions and you’re supporting local fishermen.”
Sea Grant-supported science is showcased in daylong forum
The keynote speaker at CTSG’s 30th Anniversary Research Forum used an anecdote about a Norwalk bridge project to show how the work of scientists provides the foundation environmental advocates need to persuade lawmakers to take actions that benefit Long Island Sound and its watershed.
Huffington Post video about kelp farming features UConn Prof. Yarish
Titled “American Fishermen Need a Little Kelp,” a new video published by The Huffington Post features UConn Prof. Charles Yarish, who has been supported by Connecticut Sea Grant over three decades on projects to foster seaweed farming in Long Island Sound.