“Community Buzz” show about Connecticut Sea Grant and its 30th anniversary celebration is being broadcast on SEC-TV Channel 12 for Thames Valley and Comcast subscribers.
Year: 2018
Habitat walk, paint-out bring artists to Avery Point
Nine members of the Connecticut Plein Air Painters Society visited UConn Avery Point on Sept. 9 at the invitation of Connecticut Sea Grant. The event is part of Sea Grant’s efforts to reach out to new groups during its 30th anniversary year celebration.
Food Boat event introduces market-goers to scup
“If you end up liking our sample,” said Kate Masury, program director for the nonprofit group Eating With the Ecosystem, “go out and ask for it at your local market. By eating these local species, you’re helping reduce carbon emissions and you’re supporting local fishermen.”
Sea Grant-supported science is showcased in daylong forum
The keynote speaker at CTSG’s 30th Anniversary Research Forum used an anecdote about a Norwalk bridge project to show how the work of scientists provides the foundation environmental advocates need to persuade lawmakers to take actions that benefit Long Island Sound and its watershed.
Huffington Post video about kelp farming features UConn Prof. Yarish
Titled “American Fishermen Need a Little Kelp,” a new video published by The Huffington Post features UConn Prof. Charles Yarish, who has been supported by Connecticut Sea Grant over three decades on projects to foster seaweed farming in Long Island Sound.
Plein air paint-out, public habitat walk happening on Sept. 9
Connecticut Sea Grant will host members of the Connecticut Plein Air Painters Society for a paint-out at the UConn Avery Point campus from 9 a.m. to noon on Sept. 9. Also on Sept. 9, Judy Preston, Sea Grant’s Long Island Sound outreach coordinator, will lead a 30-45 minute walk around the campus, describing the various marine habitats, her work on coastal habitats and campus history.
Come to the Connecticut Sea Grant 30th Anniversary Research Forum
The public is invited attend the 30th Anniversary Researcher Forum, which will take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 103 of the Marine Sciences Building at UConn’s Avery Point campus.
Picture your pictures in Wrack Lines – photo contest open for entries
As summer winds down, head out to one of the many beautiful places on our coastline with your camera and get creative! Long Island Sound and its waterways are very photogenic, so getting good pictures of the wildlife, scenery and people at work and play in this estuary of national importance is easy. Capturing eye-catching images is a great way to spend time outdoors and appreciate all the beauty right here at home – and join Connecticut Sea Grant in celebrating its 30th anniversary.
Teacher workshops focus on Long Island Sound for science, math lessons
Connecticut Sea Grant is co-sponsoring two teacher workshops in September about how to use Long Island Sound in the classroom.
Pamphlets teach about marine life of Niantic beaches
The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation has published educational pamphlets to teach the public about the seaweeds, shells and plants on the town’s shorelines. The project was co-sponsored by the foundation and the East Lyme Parks and Recreation Department, with funding provided by Connecticut Sea Grant.