WSHU radio recently interviewed Deborah Abibou, CT Sea Grant assistant extension educator for sustainable and resilient communities, as part of its new Sound Science series.
Author: Judy Benson
Funding announced for LIS community for estuary restoration
The Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund RFA is available and released on Sept. 27. The purpose of LISCIF is to provide technical and financial assistance to environmental justice communities to address environmental issues and improve the quality and accessibility of the LIS.
3 early marine career professionals chosen as Knauss fellows
Connecticut Sea Grant will sponsor three early career marine science and policy professionals in one-year paid fellowships as part of the 2024 class of the John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program.
Celebrate the CT NERR at Bluff Point on Sept. 30
Come celebrate the newly established Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve as we spend the day fishing, kayaking, hiking, biking and exploring at Bluff Point State Park in Groton.
Registration open for marine educators’ conference
Help SENEME celebrate 40 years at our upcoming conference on Oct. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Marine Science Magnet High School in Groton, CT!
A look at offshore wind development in Connecticut
“Winds of change: Connecticut starts to see signs of offshore turbine development” in Wrack Lines Magazine Vol. 22 No. 2
Article recounts coastal forest resiliency project
“Hoffman Evergreen Preserve: a forest for now and the future”, in Wrack Lines Magazine Vol. 22 No. 2
Copepod research shows climate change impacts
“Experiment with tiny marine creatures reveals future cost of climate change,” in Wrack Lines Volume 22 Number 1
Coastal land use management & population growth considered
“Coastal Land Use Management Methodologies under Pressure from Climate Change and Population Growth,” published in the journal Environmental Management
Issues of marsh migration and property owners explored
“Moving With the Marsh: Encouraging Property Owner Adaptation to Marsh Migration,” published in The Journal of Extension