
Seeking a few good educators to be LIS Mentor Teachers

We are looking for teams of two K-12 teachers to join the Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher program! Do you teach about Long Island Sound, watersheds, and/or the ocean in your classroom? Would you like to help others do the same? We’d love to have you as part of our team!

Report explores state and economic contribution of CT aquaculture

“The State and Economic Contribution of Connecticut’s Aquaculture Sector,” has been published by CT Sea Grant. The document details the current status and trends from 2016 to 2013 in shellfish, finfish and seaweed aquaculture as well as hydroponic, aquaponic and marine ornamental production.

Long Island Sound Resilience Assistance Programs

The Long Island Sound Study sustainable and resilient communities extension professionals have established two assistance programs–the Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program and the Long Island Sound Resilience Planning Support Program.

Two CTSG-CLEAR webinars planned for Climate Week

As part of statewide Climate Week events Sept. 22-28, Connecticut Sea Grant and the UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) will host two free webinars for the public, “Rebuild by Design’s Atlas of Accountability,” and “UConn Climate Corps: Climate Adaptation Projects in Communities.”

Issue features oyster videos, black sea bass, marshes & more

“Natural Effects: Tales of Our Dynamic Environment” is the theme for the Spring-Summer 2024 issue of Wrack Lines. Read about the project using GoPro cameras on oyster cages, research into the explosion of black sea bass in the Sound, three scientists studying CT salt marshes, and more.