A paid, hands-on training opportunity is now available with Sixpenny Oyster Farm called SHUCKS (Sharing Hands-On Understanding and Cultivating Knowledge on Shellfish). Apply by April 11.
Report explores state and economic contribution of CT aquaculture
“The State and Economic Contribution of Connecticut’s Aquaculture Sector,” has been published by CT Sea Grant. The document details the current status and trends from 2016 to 2013 in shellfish, finfish and seaweed aquaculture as well as hydroponic, aquaponic and marine ornamental production.
Fact sheet explains issue of PFAS in New England shellfish
A new fact sheet created by the Connecticut, Rhode Island and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Sea grant programs explores the issue of so-called “forever chemicals” in New England shellfish.
UConn doctoral student awarded NOAA-Sea Grant fellowship
Halle Berger, a UConn marine sciences doctoral student, is one of 10 early career scientists awarded the 2024 National Marine Fisheries-Sea Grant Fellowship that provides support for critical fisheries research. Her research focuses on sea scallops, one of the most valuable fisheries in the United States.
Fact sheet explains shellfish aquaculture, plastics research
A new fact sheet, “Emerging Research on Shellfish, Aquaculture, and Marine Plastics” explores the issue of microplastics and shellfish aquaculture. The research shows that microplastic exposure risk from shellfish is extremely low, and that aquaculture gear at a study site did not contribute to microplastic pollution.
CTSG-supported artists inspired by flyway, LIS shellfish
A visual storyteller of natural history and an artist who paints Long Island Sound shellfish are recipients of the 2024 Connecticut Sea Grant Arts Support Award.
Northeast Oyster Breeding Center opens at Milford lab
NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service cut the ribbon on the new Northeast Oyster Breeding Center on June 24. 2024, at the NOAA Milford lab.
Issue features oyster videos, black sea bass, marshes & more
“Natural Effects: Tales of Our Dynamic Environment” is the theme for the Spring-Summer 2024 issue of Wrack Lines. Read about the project using GoPro cameras on oyster cages, research into the explosion of black sea bass in the Sound, three scientists studying CT salt marshes, and more.
CT Oyster Trail, Stonington shellfish farm film unveiled
Gov. Ned Lamont announced the launch of Connecticut’s first-ever oyster trail, accompanied by the premiere of the new short-form documentary, Rising Tide to Table, which celebrates the state’s thriving oyster industry, from farm to fork.
Video shows how FLUPSY helps the shellfish garden grow
It’s the time of year when some of us are planning our cold weather veggies like spinach, kale, and peas. Have you ever wondered how a shellfish garden works? The newest video in the Connecticut Aquaculture Video Series focuses on the Shellfish Floating Upweller System or “FLUPSY”.