If you’re a Connecticut shellfish farmer, your ears might perk up a bit when you hear the term HABs – harmful algal blooms. But thanks to the well-coordinated early warning system in place to catch an outbreak, people can eat clams and oysters from Long Island Sound with confidence.
Year: 2020
Discarded fabric, puppets are grist for marine-themed art
Two artists using different mediums have been awarded 2020 Connecticut Sea Grant Arts Support Awards to create works conveying messages about human connections to the sea and the threats it faces.
Learn about three species at risk in the CT River Estuary
Spongy arrowhead, Parker’s pipewort and Atlantic mudwort are three native plant species at risk in the Connecticut River Estuary.
CTSG sponsors three in prestigious marine policy fellowship
Two University of Connecticut graduate students and a third from Yale University have been chosen for the 2021 NOAA Sea Grant John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program, which places early career professionals with federal government offices for one year.
Climate Change and Aquaculture in Connecticut’s Long Island Sound
“Climate Change and Aquaculture in Connecticut’s Long Island Sound,” addresses an issue of great importance to the state’s multi-million dollar aquaculture industry.
Public meeting about CT estuarine reserve set for Aug. 4
Connecticut will be hosting a virtual scoping meeting for the public on Aug. 4 to provide the public with information on the proposed reserve and to seek input on issues that the Environmental Impact Statement on the CT NERR should consider.
Fellowship supports diversity in marine, coastal research
Three undergraduate students helping pave the way for greater diversity in the sciences have been chosen as the first recipients of Connecticut Sea Grant’s new summer undergraduate research fellowships for underrepresented and underserved students in marine and coastal scientific research.
Learn about invasive species threatening CT River estuary
The basics of European water chestnut: What is it? Why is it bad? How can you help?
Wrack Lines issue receives APEX 2020 Grand Award
The Spring-Summer 2019 issue of Wrack Lines magazine has received a prestigious Grand Award in the APEX 2020 Annual Awards for Publication Excellence competition.
The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents
“The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents” offers information to better understand current eating habits and how to get more seafood into Connecticut residents’ diets — especially shellfish, fish and seaweed from local waters.