Author: Judy Benson

Public meeting about CT estuarine reserve set for Aug. 4

Connecticut will be hosting a virtual scoping meeting for the public on Aug. 4 to provide the public with information on the proposed reserve and to seek input on issues that the Environmental Impact Statement on the CT NERR should consider.  

Fellowship supports diversity in marine, coastal research

Three undergraduate students helping pave the way for greater diversity in the sciences have been chosen as the first recipients of Connecticut Sea Grant’s new summer undergraduate research fellowships for underrepresented and underserved students in marine and coastal scientific research.

The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents

“The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents” offers information to better understand current eating habits and how to get more seafood into Connecticut residents’ diets — especially shellfish, fish and seaweed from local waters.

Project expands support for CT shellfish industry

Connecticut shellfish farmers who endured severe sales losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic are being offered the chance to earn income by working on a unique project to rehabilitate the state’s natural shellfish beds.