Benson, Judy. 2019. “As More Roads Become Rivers, Communities Search for Solutions,” in Wrack Lines magazine Vol. 19 No. 1. A pdf of the article can be found here.
Study shows elevated homes more vulnerable to wind damage
“Solving and Engineering Conundrum: as Coastal Homes get Elevated, New Research Looks at Whether Vulnerability to Wind Damage is Increasing,” in Wrack Lines magazine, Vol. 19, No. 1.
Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Ecology, Plants and Animals
Juliana Barrett, Ralph Lewis, Judy Benson, Nancy Balcom and Diana Payne. This 130-page guide provides explanatory text about the ecology, geology, common species and why Connecticut’s sandy beaches differ from many others along the Atlantic seaboard with dozens of figures and color photos.
Guide showcases geology, ecology, wildlife of CT shoreline
Connecticut Sea Grant and the Connecticut College Arboretum are pleased to announce the publication of Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Plants and Animals, a 130-page guidebook with dozens of color photos and illustrations.
Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in CT guide available
“Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in Connecticut” lists native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants that can grow and thrive in areas along the banks of rivers, streams and other bodies of water, along with their wildlife value.
Long Island Sound habitats StoryMap, webinar available
A new educational StoryMap, “A Virtual Tour of Long Island Sound Habitats,” and accompanying webinar for teachers is now available.
‘Handbook for Increasing Ocean Literacy’ now available
“A Handbook for Increasing Ocean Literacy: Tools for Educators and Ocean Literacy Advocates,” is now available to help educators and other ocean advocates teach, learn, and communicate about the ocean. CTSG Education Coordinator Diana Payne is one of the co-editors.
Catching Value: An Economic Assessment of Connecticut’s Recreational Shellfishing Sector
“Catching Value: An Economic Assessment of Connecticut’s Recreational Shellfishing Sector,” finds that this activity has a more than $1.6 million annual economic impact on the state’s economy.
Sturgeon monitoring informational sign in Spanish and English
A pdf of the informational sign about Atlantic sturgeon that is posted at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison is found here. Spanish and English versions of the sign are available for download.
‘Domestic Seaweed 101’ infographic
The Sea Grant Seaweed Hub has released a new infographic that provides a guide to where seaweed is grown and current market outlets.