Just in time for beach season, a free webinar titled, “The Ecology and Importance of CT’s Beach Dune Systems,” will be offered by UConn CLEAR at 1 p.m. June 14.
Coastal Habitats
Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in CT guide available
“Native Plants for Riparian Corridors in Connecticut” lists native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, sedges, reeds and herbaceous plants that can grow and thrive in areas along the banks of rivers, streams and other bodies of water, along with their wildlife value.
Shell recycling initiative being introduced in Connecticut
Empty oyster and clam shells from Long Island Sound shouldn’t be treated like trash. They are vital components of healthy habitat for shellfish and other marine life, and need to be returned to their watery home. That’s the message shell recycling advocates are advancing as part of a new statewide initiative.
Connecticut Sea Grant seeking applicants for 3 positions
CT Sea Grant is excited to share openings for three extension positions. Applicants are being sought for: extension educator-nature-based approaches to resilience; sustainable and resilient communities assistant extension educator; and Long Island Sound outreach coordinator.
9 projects focus on LIS marshes, water quality, public beaches
Long Island Sound water quality, salt marsh and public beach characteristics will be examined by marine and social scientists in nine research projects awarded funding by the Connecticut and New York Sea Grant programs and the EPA’s Long Island Sound Study.
Issue explores offshore wind, art, forest projects & more
The Fall-Winter 2022-2023 issue of Wrack Lines is filled with articles and images telling stories around the theme of “Looking Ahead: people and projects shaping the future.”
Barrett interviewed about CT forests, rising seas and climate
Listen to CT Sea Grant Coastal Habitat Specialist and UConn Extension Educator Juliana Barrett being interviewed by radio show host Wayne Norman on WILI on Nov. 9.
Public comment sought on CT Shellfish Restoration Guide
CT Sea Grant, the CT Department of Agriculture and the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection are seeking comments from the public on a discussion draft of the Connecticut Shellfish Restoration Guide.
CT NERR celebrated as place ‘where the magic happens’
Tidal marshes, sea grass meadows, barrier beaches and coastal forests are just some of the habitats in the federally designated reserve of Southeastern Connecticut lands and waterways that will open a wealth of opportunities for public access, hands-on environmental education, research and stewardship.
Action Plan organizes partners for cleaner coasts, waterways
Consumer litter, tiny plastic shards, lost or improperly discarded fishing gear and other trash will be more effectively removed or kept out of Long Island Sound under the Marine Debris Action Plan completed this month.