Sea Grant

The Relationship between Aquaculture and the Public Trust in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island

A new fact sheet, “The Relationship between Aquaculture and the Public Trust in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island” seeks to improve understanding of the public trust doctrine and use of public waters for shellfish aquaculture in these three states.

‘Handbook for Increasing Ocean Literacy’ now available

“A Handbook for Increasing Ocean Literacy: Tools for Educators and Ocean Literacy Advocates,” is now available to help educators and other ocean advocates teach, learn, and communicate about the ocean. CTSG Education Coordinator Diana Payne is one of the co-editors.

Connecticut Sea Grant Annual Report 2021 available

Connecticut Sea Grant’s 2021 Annual Report is now available as a downloadable pdf. It offers highlights of CTSG’s accomplishments for the 2020-21 Sea Grant fiscal year, which runs from February 2020 through January 2021.