Sea Grant

CTSG, Avalonia project looks to prepare forest for the future

Battered by coastal storms and infestations of wooly adelgids, gypsy moth, winter moth and emerald ash borer, sections of the 200-acre Hoffman Evergreen Preserve will now serve as a living lab and demonstration site for how land managers can help forests adapt to climate change.

Varied perspectives explored in new issue of Wrack Lines

Learn about bringing more diversity to the sciences, environmental justice, the Shoreline Greenway Trail, a new diversity fellowship and the unique career of Bob Pomeroy with fish and fishermen across the globe in the Fall-Winter 2020-21 issue of Wrack Lines magazine.

As seas rise, communities can turn retreat into opportunity

Retreat isn’t defeat. It’s deliberately stepping back to make a better future. “Retreat is very difficult, but it’s going to happen. Wouldn’t it be better to have a managed process?” asked A.R. Siders, keynote speaker at the “Managed Retreat in the Age of Climate Change” workshop.

Shellfish farmers stay afloat with innovation, financial aid     

CT shellfish farmers endured the precipitous sales losses that nearly shut their businesses during the early days of the pandemic last spring. Now they are preparing to weather what could be even tougher months ahead, with fresh influxes of financial aid coming just when they’re going to need it most.

Managed retreat is topic of Nov. 13 virtual workshop

The Climate Adaptation Academy is offering a free webinar, “Managed Retreat in the Age of Climate Change,” with a keynote address by national expert A.R. Siders and discussion and examples of the legal, social and practical questions raised when considering retreat from vulnerable coastal areas.