The Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher program of Connecticut Sea Grant and the Long Island Sound Study will host a Long Island Sound Ecosystems Workshop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 9 at Hammonassett Beach State Park in Madison.
Author: Judy Benson
New video documents habitat services of oyster cages
Researchers at the NEFSC Milford Lab investigate shellfish growers’ reports that aquaculture gear attracts fish. Using GoPro cameras and eDNA analysis, they found that the cages provide critical habitat for a variety of fish at all life stages. A video of the project is now available.
Value of oysters to LIS highlighted in public radio show
The Connecticut Public Radio show “The Wheelhouse,” featured CT Sea Grant’s Tessa Getchis talking about the economic and environmental importance of oysters in Long Island Sound, as well as the shellfish restoration plan and the shell recycling initiative.
2023 anti-trash campaign targets Long Wharf area for cleanup
Now in its seventh year, the #DontTrashLISound campaign will kick off August 12 with a cleanup of the Long Wharf area led by Connecticut Sea Grant and Save the Sound.
Music inspired by climate data to be created with arts award
Original classical music compositions inspired by climate-related data will be created and performed through the 2023 Connecticut Sea Grant Arts Support Award, under a project led by UConn Marine Sciences doctoral candidate Molly M. James and two collaborators.
Wrack Lines wins Award of Excellence in 2023 APEX contest
The Spring-Summer 2022 issue of Wrack Lines magazine has received an Award of Excellence in the 2023 APEX/Communications Concepts Awards for Publication Excellence.
Concepcion receives award from World Aquaculture Society
Anoushka Concepcion, CTSG associate extension educator for marine aquaculture, has been chosen for the Industry Impact Award of the World Aquaculture Society for 2022.
Research to focus on contaminants in urban waterways
Fish, shellfish, insect, water and sediment samples from urban coastal areas from the Chesapeake Bay to Northern New England will be analyzed for the presence of potentially harmful chemicals in four research projects commissioned by a partnership of the CT, NH and NC Sea Grant programs.
Teacher workshop on Long Island Sound offered July 21, 28
Two sessions of “The Long Island Sound in your Classroom” teacher workshop will be offered at the Steward B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge in Norwalk on July 21 and 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Students learn the ins and outs of shellfish farming
In the “Foundations of Shellfish Farming” course offered for the first time this year, 18 students were immersed in plenty of practical, first-hand knowledge about aquaculture.