
The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents

“The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents” offers information to better understand current eating habits and how to get more seafood into Connecticut residents’ diets — especially shellfish, fish and seaweed from local waters.

Seafood survey could help further increase in demand

With national data showing Americans have been eating more fish and shellfish during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report on a survey of Connecticut residents’ seafood consumption habits and preferences offers timely information seafood dealers can use to help make the increase permanent.

Sea Grant joins in 61st Essex Annual Shad Bake

The 61st Essex Annual Shad Bake on June 1 drew hundreds to the waterfront at the Connecticut River Museum to dine on this spring’s catch of Connecticut River shad. Co-sponsored by the museum and the Rotary Club of Essex, this year’s event included Connecticut Sea Grant participation.

Sailing ship becomes classroom for Sea Grant experts, researchers

Leaders of partner organizations, town officials and individual stakeholders joined Connecticut Sea Grant on Oct. 5 for an on-the-water workshop aboard the Onrust, a replica of the vessel Dutch explorer Adraien Block sailed into Long Island Sound and the Connecticut River in the early 1600s.