Learn about bringing more diversity to the sciences, environmental justice, the Shoreline Greenway Trail, a new diversity fellowship and the unique career of Bob Pomeroy with fish and fishermen across the globe in the Fall-Winter 2020-21 issue of Wrack Lines magazine.
Celebrate Seafood Month this October with these recipes
Jacques Pepin’s fish tacos, made with local black sea bass filets, is an easy delicious way to celebrate National Sea Food Month this October.
American Lobster Research & Extension Initiative newsletter
An introduction to the American Lobster Research and Extension Initiative, a project of seven Northeast Sea Grant programs including Connecticut Sea Grant.
Seafood Trade Relief funding available to fishermen
The USDA is making approximately $530 million available to assist U.S. fishermen through the Seafood Trade Relief Program. This program is being funded by the Commodity Credit Corporation and administered by the Farm Service Agency.
The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents
“The Connecticut Seafood Survey: Assessing Seafood Consumption, Knowledge, Behaviors and Preferences of Connecticut Residents” offers information to better understand current eating habits and how to get more seafood into Connecticut residents’ diets — especially shellfish, fish and seaweed from local waters.
Seafood survey could help further increase in demand
With national data showing Americans have been eating more fish and shellfish during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report on a survey of Connecticut residents’ seafood consumption habits and preferences offers timely information seafood dealers can use to help make the increase permanent.
Seafood industry launches health-focused campaign
A newly-formed coalition of U.S. seafood industry organizations is launching a 12-week consumer marketing campaign to encourage Americans to eat more seafood during the coronavirus crisis.
Aquaculture bureau adjusts operations during virus outbreak
The Bureau of Aquaculture issued the following notice about its status during the evolving COVID-19 virus situation.
Sea Grant joins in 61st Essex Annual Shad Bake
The 61st Essex Annual Shad Bake on June 1 drew hundreds to the waterfront at the Connecticut River Museum to dine on this spring’s catch of Connecticut River shad. Co-sponsored by the museum and the Rotary Club of Essex, this year’s event included Connecticut Sea Grant participation.
‘You can link economic incentives to small-scale fisheries’
An interview with Bob Pomeroy, fisheries extension specialist with Connecticut Sea Grant, appeared in “Fish Forever Progress Update,” a newsletter published by the international organization Rare, and is reprinted with permission from the editors.