The Climate Adaptation Academy is offering a free webinar, “Managed Retreat in the Age of Climate Change,” with a keynote address by national expert A.R. Siders and discussion and examples of the legal, social and practical questions raised when considering retreat from vulnerable coastal areas.
Year: 2020
Celebrate Seafood Month this October with these recipes
Jacques Pepin’s fish tacos, made with local black sea bass filets, is an easy delicious way to celebrate National Sea Food Month this October.
Journal examines role of ‘blue humanities’ in ocean literacy
This special issue of Parks Stewardship Forum, guest-edited by Connecticut Sea Grant Research Coordinator Syma Ebbin, looks at how the “blue humanities” can bolster the public’s ocean literacy and sense of stewardship for the seas.
Lesson on climate change and marshes created for high schools
UConn Professor Beth Lawrence collaborated with two high school teachers to create a salt marsh-climate change teaching module for high school students.
American Lobster Research & Extension Initiative newsletter
An introduction to the American Lobster Research and Extension Initiative, a project of seven Northeast Sea Grant programs including Connecticut Sea Grant.
Seafood Trade Relief funding available to fishermen
The USDA is making approximately $530 million available to assist U.S. fishermen through the Seafood Trade Relief Program. This program is being funded by the Commodity Credit Corporation and administered by the Farm Service Agency.
Video focuses on management of invasive aquatic plants
In this video, Lindsey Kollmer, CT Sea Grant and UConn Extension summer intern, interviews Jim Straub, member of the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel, about water chestnut and hydrilla management in Massachusetts.
Sound Facts: Fun Facts about Long Island Sound Second Edition
A fun and colorful, 80-page booklet about our favorite estuary, its biology, geology, chemical and physical parameters, and environmental concerns. This booklet is a compilation of features developed as a collaboration between Connecticut Sea Grant and The Day newspaper
Another summer chapter for a Climate Corps student
In this blog, UConn senior Sarah Schechter shares how her experiences in the UConn Climate Corps class led to an independent study project and a summer internship project focusing on climate change impacts in Connecticut.
In 4th year of #DontTrashLISound campaign, PPEs are focus
The new problem of discarded face masks, disposable gloves and other personal protective equipment ending up on sidewalks, parks and other outdoor spaces instead of in the trash is a focus of this year’s #DontTrashLISound social media campaign.