The contrasting conditions in this short wooded stretch at Hammonasset Beach State Park may be easy for beachgoers to overlook, but Mary Schoell has given it countless hours of attention over the past two years.
Year: 2020
Summer Environmental Education Academy announced
Connecticut educators are invited to participate in FE3: Facilitating Excellence in Environmental Education, Climate Simulation Workshop and Resources professional development program from July 14 to 16.
Project expands support for CT shellfish industry
Connecticut shellfish farmers who endured severe sales losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic are being offered the chance to earn income by working on a unique project to rehabilitate the state’s natural shellfish beds.
Thames River Quests are fun for anytime this summer
The Thames River Heritage Park and Connecticut Sea Grant are inviting people to solve a word puzzle while exploring historic sites in New London and Groton by completing one or more of the four Thames River Quests any time this summer.
New Wrack Lines focuses on finding hope through action
Journey from the labs, classrooms and art studios of UConn to a threatened Caribbean island to the waters of Long Island Sound in the Spring-Summer 2020 issue of Wrack Lines.
Solar-electric pump-out boat research poster
For a copy of the “Climate, Health and Cost Impacts of Solar-Electric Pump-out Boats,” poster from research project with the Yale School of Public Health and the Yale Climate Change and Health Initiative, send an email to:
Take the Wrack Lines quiz and you could win a prize!
After you read the Spring-Summer 2020 issue of Wrack Lines, take this multiple-choice quiz and submit your answers with your name and age for a prize drawing.
Seafood survey could help further increase in demand
With national data showing Americans have been eating more fish and shellfish during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report on a survey of Connecticut residents’ seafood consumption habits and preferences offers timely information seafood dealers can use to help make the increase permanent.
Payne, recognized leader in ocean literacy, advances
Connecticut Sea Grant Education Coordinator Diana Payne has been promoted to associate professor in residence by the University of Connecticut’s Board of Trustees.
CT closer to establishing national research reserve
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration has approved a network of state-owned properties and coastal waters in Lyme, Old Lyme, and Groton to be the site of the state’s first National Estuarine Research Reserve. This is the first major milestone in designating the area as the nation’s 30th reserve.