Beachcombing along the Connecticut coast can be a fun and healthy educational activity for families eager to get out outdoors while the COVID-19 virus keeps children home from school.
A Guide to Marine Aquaculture Permitting in Connecticut
“A Guide to Marine Aquaculture Permitting in Connecticut,” a handbook about the regulatory process of commercial shellfish and seaweed aquaculture, is now available for viewing and download.
Seaweed Production and Processing in Connecticut: A Guide to Understanding and Controlling Potential Food Safety Hazards
The first food safety guide for the production and processing of kelp and Gracilaria, another type of edible native seaweed, is available for download.
Fact sheet addresses nitrogen pollution & Long Island Sound
“A Healthier Long Island Sound: Nitrogen Pollution” a four-page fact sheet published by the Long Island Sound Study and written by Judy Preston, Connecticut Sea Grant’s Long Island Sound outreach coordinator, is now available.
Regulatory Guidance for the Direct Marketing of Molluscan Shellfish in Connecticut
This 13-page guide provides a general overview of the regulations that must be followed to establish and operate a business selling molluscan shellfish to the final consumer in Connecticut. The pdf is available for free download.
3 harbors, lobsters and shad in 30th anniversary issue
The Fall-Winter 2018-19 issue explores the past, present and future of Long Island Sound with in-depth stories on Norwalk, New Haven and Niantic harbors, plus a look at two of the Sound’s iconic species: lobsters and shad.
Guide to decapods of Long Island Sound available
“Keys to the Larvae of Common Decapod Crustaceans in Long Island Sound,” a 48-page guide to the early life stages of lobsters, crabs and shrimp, was published in 2017 by Connecticut Sea Grant and Project Oceanology.
Wrack Lines Fall/Winter 2017-18
PDF of entire issue. Articles: Letter from the Editor A day at the beach is for learning Chemistry in motion Van Patten recognized at national Sea Grant conference Engineers get acquainted with aquaculture Testing project could expand yields of seaweed grown in Long Island Sound Searching for the menace of mercury Bios and Knauss Fellows
Living shorelines article explores interactive workshop technique
“Living Shoreline Design Charette: A New Twist on the Charette Technique,” has been published in the October 2017 issue of the Journal of Extension. Written by Juliana Barrett, associate extension educator with Connecticut Sea Grant, along with Miriah Russo Kelly and Bruce Hyde, both assistant extension educators with the University of Connecticut’s Department of Extension, […]
Special issue of journal highlights resilience symposium research
Research from a recent symposium supported by Connecticut Sea Grant, titled “Resilience and the Big Picture: Governing and Financing Innovations for Long Island Sound and Beyond,” has been published in a special issue of the Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal. The six articles in the journal are based on the presentations and panels at […]