“Catching Value: An Economic Assessment of Connecticut’s Recreational Shellfishing Sector,” finds that this activity has a more than $1.6 million annual economic impact on the state’s economy.
Author: Judy Benson
Contaminants of Emerging Concern infographic credit information
Infographic originally published in, “Occurrence and Fate of Emerging Pollutants in Water Environment and Options for Their Removal,” by Vasilachi, Ionela Cătălina; Asiminicesei, Dana Mihaela; Fertu, Daniela Ionela; and Gavrilescu, Maria in Water 2021 13(2): https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/2/181/htm. Used with permission.
New staff will help communities with growing climate challenges
If experience really is the best teacher, Deborah Abibou and Alicia Tyson have been to some of the prime places to learn about community resilience work. The two recently joined CTSG, filling new positions as sustainable and resilient community extension educators.
Public radio program highlights role of oysters in LIS
Connecticut Public Radio host Lucy Nalpathanchil interviews CTSG’s Tessa Getchis, oyster farmer Norm Bloom and Long Island Soundkeeper Bill Lucy about the importance of oysters and other shellfish in the Sound.
Learn about the survey on Contaminants of Emerging Concern
A partnership of the Connecticut, New Hampshire and North Carolina Sea Grant programs and Lighthouse Consulting Group conducted a survey as part of a federally funded project announced in September 2021. The survey closed on Dec. 31. Please check back for updates on the results.
Sturgeon monitoring informational sign in Spanish and English
A pdf of the informational sign about Atlantic sturgeon that is posted at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison is found here. Spanish and English versions of the sign are available for download.
Read about CT NERR, bay’s seaweed woes & major museum remake
“Discovery, Rediscovery and Rebirth” is the theme for the Fall-Winter 2021-2022 issue of Wrack Lines, now available in print and online. Articles tell the stories of the CT National Estuarine Research Reserve, research into seaweed problems in Little Narragansett Bay, and the Peabody Museum’s transformation.
Barrett part of faculty team receiving UConn Provost’s Award
CT Sea Grant Coastal Habitat Specialist Juliana Barrett has been recognized as part of a faculty team receiving the annual UConn Provost’s Awards for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship.
With seas awash in plastic, big changes needed at all scales
This op-ed article by CTSG Communications Coordinator Judy Benson was published in Connecticut Hearst newspapers on Nov. 6, 2021.
Marine life, human-sea interactions to be explored by researchers
Six research projects exploring various facets of Long Island Sound and the wider marine environment have been selected by CTSG for the 2022-2024 funding cycle. Four will focus on marine life amid changing environmental conditions. One will look at community behaviors in response to flood risks, while the sixth will focus on human relationships with the ocean.